Your Tennis Team High quality life,Playing Tennis Your High Quality Life with Tennis. 7 Reasons.

Your High Quality Life with Tennis. 7 Reasons.

Why to start tennis as a hobby or why to continue it?

Those are real questions and for those I have the answers. You will have:

1. The high quality life that looks your own

Everybody likes to live a high quality life which looks like their own. The life that they love to live. It is important to you, that you have strength to do what you want in your life.

With tennis, you will get the power to get more enjoyable life. Tennis is sporty, useful and fun.

2. More strength and health and wealth

In tennis, you must move variously: sometimes quickly, sometimes slower. It is good to your bones and muscles and breathing. You usually play outside in the summer time, so you get fresh air, too.

You sleep better. I have noticed it myself, too. You have no extra energy when you go to the bed after tennis games.

I love to sleep tight after tennis day. Good, deep sleep gives you also healthy feeling for the next days.

3. More fit

Tennis burns calories. Tennis belongs in five most calorie burning hobbies. Even in a half hour tennis, you burn more calories, than in golf, gym or with exercise bike. It suits you if your aim is to get better condition or lose weight, get rid of extra kilos and get better shape.

Those who play tennis are usually more energetic and more fit than people who are less active.

4. Suitable costs

Tennis doesn’t cost too much. You need only a racket and balls and a place to play. In many cities there are even tennis courts for free outside in the summer. You only have to book it beforehand.

You can play tennis inside by borrowing a tennis court from your tennis club of your hometown. Then you share the price with your play mates. You share it with two or four in doubles.

tennis smile

5. More unstressed and relaxed life

You are usually relaxed after tennis games. You have had a pleasure of an exercise and enjoyed a good company, who also likes the game. You will get new nice friends who loves the same game and the same relaxing feeling that you get from tennis.

Playing tennis decreases stress. You only think what happens on the court with your tennis partner, so you have there no time to worry.

If you want, before or after a match you have time to discuss with your friend about what is up in your life. It is a nice way to meet each other and have an exercise at the same time.

6. You can play as every age and only a few people needed

Tennis suits to every age. You can start as a child or older, even as a retired person. Age is not a limit. Tennis fits all.

You can play tennis with your family. You need only two players or you can play with four in doubles. For many great hobbies you need a big amount of people, for example in basket ball, ice hockey and volleyball.

Only a few players play tennis to aim to competitions. It is usually played for fun to get you fit and to keep you fit.

7. Coaching is available

You can have tennis coaching in your local tennis club, if you want. They give you more information willingly. There are many choices, especially in the summer. It is important that you adopt the real techniques in tennis. It gives you protection to not get injuries so easy.

For example I took tennis lessons during the autumn 2020. Every week, every Monday evening for 1,5 hours. It really feels good and gives more tips to play when you have a professional coach!

Many kinds of wrenches and ache in elbows can happen in tennis. That’s why you need to get used to play with right hits, footwork and safe grips on the tennis racket.

When you qualify your tennis skills by playing and in coaching it is even more fun to play day by day, match by match. Your muscles are more safe when you handle the right techniques and understand for example the importance of warming before the playing.

tennis staff

But hey, what you are waiting for. Let’s make a plan how to improve your tennis enjoyment.

You can make your plan to play for example 1,5-2 hours per week and training 1,5 hour per week. Of course you can choose also more or less. Then move yourself to the tennis court and enjoy the playing.

Keep smiling and playing and enjoying your high quality life 🙂

We will see!

This post is updated on the 12th of January 2021.

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